Little Johnny's grandma is visiting...
NSFW: Little Johnny's Grandma is visiting the family for the weekend...
After a nice dinner and chatting, everybody goes to bed; Johnny to his room, his parents to theirs, and Grandma to the guest bedroom.
In the middle of the night, Little Johnny bursts into his parents' room exclaiming,
"Mom! Dad! Grandma's got a shrimp!!"
Bleary eyed, they both wake up confused, asking what Johnny could possibly be talking about.
"Go back to bed Johnny, it's 2 am.."
"No I'm serious", Johnny insisted. "It's a huge shrimp, you gotta see it!"
Reluctantly, they stumble down the hallway to figure out what Johnny could possibly mean by 'shrimp'.
As they open the guest bedroom door, Mom and Dad gasp. Grandma was snoring away on the bed, spread-eagle and completely naked.
"There it is! That's the shrimp!" Johnny exclaimed, pointing between her legs.
Johnny's parents were mortified, and scrambled to find the words to explain the situation.
"Uhh, Johnny.. That's um.. Well.... You know.. Well you don't but uhh..", Dad stammered.
"It's your Grandma's clitoris Johnny, NOT a shrimp" Mom chimed in. "I'm sorry you had to see that sweetie, let's get you back in bed."
As they closed the door and walked down the hallway, Johnny mutters,
"A clit-oris, huh? Well, it sure *tasted* like a shrimp!"
-- Make more puppies--
Little boy and dad are walking down the street. See 2 dogs fucking.
Kid: what's happening?
Dad: they are making puppies!
Later that night, kid can't sleep. Hears noises from parents' bed room, goes to investigate.
Dad is on top of mom, both naked, grunting.
Kid is shocked!
Dad: Making you a baby brother! Go away!
Kid goes away, comes back.
Kid: Turn her over! I would rather have a puppy!!
The young wife went into labor while her husband was overseas serving in the war. The next day he got the news that his wife had delivered twins.
He got to a phone and called her right away. “Oh honey, I’m so happy,” he said. “Who took you to the hospital?”
“Your brother, Joe, drove me, and since I had to be anesthetized he named the twins,” she replied.
The husband was horrified. “But, but, Joe is an idiot! Oh no! What did he name them?”
The wife answered, “We have a girl and a boy. Joe named the girl De-niece.”
The husband interrupted, “Well, that’s not so bad. What did he name the boy?”
“Joe named the boy De-nephew.”