Dan married one of a pair of identical twins. Less then a
year later he was in court filing for divorce.
"Tell the court why you want a divorce," the judge said.
"Well, Your Honor," Dan started, "every once in a while my
sister-in-law would come over for a visit, and because she
and my wife are identical twins, sometimes I'd end up making
love to her by mistake."
"Surely there must be some difference between the two
women," the judge said.
"Exactly, Your Honor. That's why I want the divorce."
--The Husband And His Young Wife--
The husband and his young wife did not have a good relationship.
The wife was even convinced that he was having an affair with the pretty housemaid and set a trap for him.
One evening she suddenly sent the maid home for the weekend without informing the husband. When they went to bed that night, the husband told the old story,
“Excuse me, my dear…
Stomach”, and disappeared towards the bathroom.
The wife immediately ran down the corridor, up the back stairs and into the maid’s bed.
She had just time to switch off the light when he quietly entered………..
He wasted neither time nor words, but quickly took out his gun, laid on top of her and beat her like there was no tomorrow.
When he had finished, still panting, the woman said, “You didn’t expect to find me in this bed, did you?” and switched on the light. “No, madam,” said the gardener.
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» Dan married one of a pair of identical twins