Mr. Evans discovered that her daughter found a boyfriend.
Being a protective father that he is, he starts interrogating her about the mystery guy.
“Did he finish college?” he asked.
“Yes, Dad. In fact, he was always top of his class,” replied the proud girl.
“Well, does he have a decent job?” he asked further.
“But of course!” she said.
“Given his good fortune, does he give to charity?” asked the curious dad.
To which the daughter replied, “He is the most generous person I’ve ever known. In fact, many people think the same.”
“That’s great, Emily! I can’t wait to meet this guy,” he said finally.
Emily smiled at him and said, “Oh you know him, Dad. He’s the priest at our Church!”
--Three 3 blondes walk into a police station--
3 blondes walk into a police station looking for a job as a detective.
They meet with the police chief who says “I’m going to show you a side profile mug shot of a man and you need to tell me something interesting about him.”
He shows the picture to the first blonde and she says
“He’s only got one eye”. The police chief responds,
“No, this is a profile mug shot, so you will only see one eye.”
He shows the picture to the second blonde and she says “He’s only got one ear”. The police chief again responds, “No, this is a profile mug shot, so you will only see one ear.”
He shows the picture to the last blonde and she says “He wears contact lenses.”
Perplexed, the police chief looks through the file and sure enough, the man wore contact lenses. He says “That’s oddly correct. How did you know that?”
The blonde responds, “Well with one eye and one ear, he can’t be wearing glasses.”
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» Daughter found a boyfriend