John and Roberta were touring

John and Roberta were touring their brand new house.

It was a house that Roberta had paid for with her money, a fact of which she constantly reminded John.

In each room of the house she said: “John, if it were not for my money, we would not be here.”

John didn’t say a word.
That afternoon a truck delivered a load of new furniture which Roberta paid for with her money.

After the furniture was in its place, they toured the house again.

As they observed each room, beautifully appointed and magnificently decorated, Roberta reminded her husband:

“John, if it were not for my money, this furniture would not be here.”

Again, John was silent.
Late in the afternoon another truck came with a special piece of furniture which was to be the focal point of the family room.

It was a combination stereo-television-computer center all wrapped into one gorgeous piece of furniture.

Roberta paid for it with her money.

When it was in place, Roberta again said: “John, if it were not for my money, that beautiful electronics system would not be here.”

Finally, John spoke: “Honey, I don’t want to make you feel bad, but if it were not for your money, I wouldn’t be here either!”
--Little Johnny Is Sat In His Back Garden --
Little Johnny is sat in his back garden, when his grandad comes out.

‘Grandad,I’m Bored”. says Jonny ‘I’ll tell you what then’ says Grandad.

He picks a worm up from the lawn and says to Jonny.

‘If you can get this worm back into its worm hole then I’ll give you £10, that should keep you occupied ‘.

Little Jonny thinks for a while then goes upstairs to his mother’s bedroom.

He comes back with a can of hair spray.

He puts his foot on one end of the worm and stretches it out as far as it will go .

Then he sprays the worm with hair spray, waits for a minute then let’s go of the worm ,and it is straight and rigid.

Then Jonny slips the worm into its worm hole.

Grandad is super surprised and gives Jonny £10
The next day Jonny is in the garden again and Grandad comes out and gives Jonny another £10.
‘Whats this for Grandad? ‘

‘Thats from your grandma ‘ replies Grandad.’


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