Two female co-workers are chatting it up

Two female co-workers are chatting it up,

and they are discussing the boyfriends they’ve had in the last year.
One girl says “The last 3 boyfriends I’ve had, I’ve named after soda pops.

The first one I called 7 Up, because he had 7 inches and he knew how to keep it up.

The second one I called mountain dew, because when it came to mounting he knew what to do.
The third I called Jack Daniels.
Then the other girl interrupts saying “Hold on a minute.
Isn’t Jack Daniels hard liquor ?
The girl smiles and says “YES IT IS”
--Johnny was lying in bed with girlfriend--
Johnny was lying in bed with his new Thai girlfriend in a hotel in the Thai resort of Phuket.
After having great lovemaking, she spent the next hour just rubbing Johnny’s balls – something she loved to do.

As Johnny was enjoying it, he turned and asked her,

“Why do you love doing that so much?”

“Because”, she replied,

“I really miss mine.”


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