Choose A Husband

A store that sells husbands has just opened where a woman may go to choose a husband from among many men.

The store is composed of 6 floors, and the men increase in positive attributes as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch.

As you open the door to any floor you may choose a man from that floor, but if you go up a floor, you cannot go back down except to exit the building.
So a woman goes to the shopping center to find a husband.

On the first floor the sign on the door reads: Floor 1 – These men have jobs. The woman reads the sign and says to herself, “Well, that’s better than my last boyfriend, but I wonder what’s further up?” So up she goes.
The second floor sign reads: Floor 2 – These men have jobs and love kids. The woman remarks to herself, “That’s great, but I wonder what’s further up?” And up she goes again.
--Old Couple Joke--
A senior couple decides to try v*agra for the first time ever.
They have an incredible night together.
In the morning, the wife asks her husband at breakfast time,
“Would you like some bacon and eggs, a slice of toast, and maybe some grapefruit juice and coffee?”
He declines.
“Thanks for asking, but, I’m not hungry right now. It’s this V*agra,” he says. “It’s really taken the edge off my appetite.”

At lunchtime, she asks him if he’d like something.
“How about a bowl of soup, homemade muffins, or a cheese sandwich?”

He declines. “The V*agra,” he says, “really trashes my desire for food.”

Come dinner time, she asks if he wants anything to eat.

“Would you like a juicy rib-eye steak and some scrumptious apple pie? Or maybe a rotisserie chicken or tasty stir fry?”

He declines again.
“No,” he says, “it’s got to be the Viagra. I’m still not hungry.”
“Well,” she says,
“Would you mind letting me up? I’m starving!”


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