A young woman who was several months pregnant boarded a bus. Then she noticed a young man smiling at her she began feeling humiliated on account of her condition. She changed her seat and he seemed more amused.
She moved again and then on her fourth move he burst out laughing. She had him arrested. Then the case came before the court, the young man was asked why he acted in such a manner. His reply was: When the lady boarded the bus I couldn’t help noticing she was pregnant. She sat under an advertisement which read “Coming Soon: The Gold Dust Twins”, then she moved under one that read “Sloans Liniments remove swelling”. I was even more amused when she sat under a shaving advertisement which read “William’s Stick Did The Trick”.
A young woman who was several months pregnant boarded a bus. Then she noticed a young man smiling at her she began feeling humiliated on account of her condition. She changed her seat and he seemed more amused.
She moved again and then on her fourth move he burst out laughing. She had him arrested. Then the case came before the court, the young man was asked why he acted in such a manner. His reply was: When the lady boarded the bus I couldn’t help noticing she was pregnant. She sat under an advertisement which read “Coming Soon: The Gold Dust Twins”, then she moved under one that read “Sloans Liniments remove swelling”. I was even more amused when she sat under a shaving advertisement which read “William’s Stick Did The Trick”.
--An ex husband an ex wife are in court --
An ex husband an ex wife are in court fighting in a bitter custody battle over their child.
The judge asks the woman: “Why do you feel you deserve custody?”
The woman says: “I brought that child into this world. My child literally came out of me! That is why I deserve custody.”
The judge nods his head, and says “That is a simple and logical reason. It makes sense.”
Then the judge turns his head to the man and asks: “She said her side of things. Why do you feel you deserve custody?”
The man sits in his chair and slowly drinks from a can of coke then he holds up the empty can in his hand and says,
“Was this my coke or my ex wife’s coke?” Confused the judge says “I believe that was your coke”.
The wife is also confused and the judge looks over at her and asks “Was that your coke?” The ex wife says, “No, it was his coke.”
The man looks at the judge and says, “Good we all agree.
So when I put money in a coke machine and a coke pops out the coke is mine not the coke machine’s correct?”
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» Pregnant Lady On The Bus