Funny Joke : 50 Years of Marriage

An old couple is having breakfast when the old woman says to her husband, “Just think, honey, we’ve been married for 50 years.?”

“Yes,” he replies. “Fifty years ago we were sitting here at this breakfast table together. And we were probably naked as jaybirds.”

“Well,” the old woman snickers, “should we get naked again for old time’s sake?”

So they strip off their clothing and sit back down at the table.

“You know,” the old woman says breathlessly, “my nipples are as hot for you today as they were 50 years ago.”

“I’m not surprised,” replies the old man. “One’s in your coffee and the other’s in your oatmeal!”
--Funny Joke ‣ You’re Welcome--
A young couple got married and the wife couldn’t cook. But they were still in the honeymoon phase, so the first night after they got home, the husband comes home from work and the wife says “I’m sorry I burned dinner.” So the husband says “That’s all right honey let’s just make love.”

The second night, he comes home from work and she says “I’m sorry honey, I messed up dinner.” He says “That’s all right honey, let’s just go to bed wink wink.”

The third night he comes home and she’s sitting on the radiator. He asks what she’s doing? and she answers “Warming up supper.”

My very proper 91-year-old Southern Mom says “You’re welcome”


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