His friends to him at coffee:
“We adore your family life, you’ve got a great life with your wife and kids.
You don’t make her say things twice.
Tell us the secret of this happiness or we’ll consider you as a diffident.”
“Well, i can shortly explain. After our wedding, she started riding her horse and so was i. My horse’s feet got caught. she knelt right next to horse and she said “once”.
We rode a few metres, then my horse’s feet got caught again. She knelt right next to horse and she said “twice”.
A few minutes later it happened again, she knelt right next to horse and she said “third”. Then she shot him in the face. I was shocked.
I yelled at her:
“Why did you do that, are you out of your mind?”
She turned her back and told me “once”.
And since that day, i dont make her say things twice
-- A mother was teaching his child--
A mother was teaching his child about the side-effects of alcohol.
She gets two short glasses, filling one with water and the other with whiskey.
She says “I want you to see this.” She puts a worm in the water, and it swims around.
She puts a worm in the whiskey, and the worm dies immediately.
She then says, feeling that she has made her point clear, “
what do you have to say about this experiment?”
The child responds by saying: “If I drink whiskey, I won’t get worms!”
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